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Location: Iowa, United States

Monday, July 31, 2006

Guten Tag! - Auf Wiedersehen!

We were in Milwaukee, WI this past weekend for the largest gathering of sausage and sauerkraut eaters this side of the Atlantic. That's right, Germanfest! There is lots of polka music, the best yodeler in the world, and real "German beer" (actually the Milwaukee verison - at least Frederik Miller was born in Germany, thereby making Miller Beer technically German).

The picture above is from the Glockenspiel (carillon play) they perform at the Fest. The four guys saw and chop wood, drink beer, and dance based on the music from an accordian player. (The original Glockenspiel is built into the Munich town hall tower, and plays 2 or 3 times a day. My brother will tell you he nearly froze to death waiting to see the Glockenspiel in Munich.) One of these years I will have to get the full lederhosen outfit and join the Glockenspiel dance. I just hope it won't turn out similar to Chevy Chase in European Vacation.


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