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Location: Iowa, United States

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tomorrow night is a Full Moon.......

Tomorrow I hit my 37th week and the baby is now classified as full term even though I still have three weeks left until my due date. Yesterday, Mike and I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and pack our "emergency" bags to be stowed in our trunks until the baby decides that it's ready to make its entrance into the world. I think we are pretty well set with everything we have to have and I got the car seat installed into the "family truckster" just in case. Now the waiting game begins.

Someone brought to my attention this morning that tomorrow night will be a full moon and they say that when there is a full moon the maternity wards are packed. I don't know how much truth there is to that, but it makes me a little nervous. I'm hoping for another two weeks.

Mike, the kids and I stayed home for christmas this year. While we were a little bummed to miss out of Grandma Olson's Lutefisk, we were kind of glad that we didn't have to make the long trip back to Iowa. Christmas weekend was low-key and last week it was fairly dead at the office so I was able to get a lot of organization done at work. I'm not done with all I want to accomplish, but I'm getting there.
This past weekend, we had a FULL house. My sister, Jill, and her family came up on Friday night and my sister, Amy, and her family came up Saturday morning for a late holiday celebration. Somehow, we managed to cram a total of 12 people in our house for a majority of the weekend and the 6 kids had a blast. I think we had more people in our house over the past weekend than we have had the entire year combined. We consumed mass quanities of food, stayed up late and had a pretty good weekend. We also got the added bonus of a visit from my good friend, Nanine, her husband Corey and their three kids on Friday. They had moved near Galvaston, Texas for the weather about 18 months ago and we hadn't seen them since. We were pretty exhausted yesterday, but was well worth it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just reading about your houseful makes me tired! But I'm glad to know you had a good time with everyone.
I need to pack my bag, also, so I'll be ready for your phone call. Weather--please behave and accommodate travel, so we don't have any problems getting to Madison for the big event.

11:39 AM  

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